please help! leafs dying!


please help! noticed minor yellowing about a week ago and its just getting worse. growing in earthgro soil (organic no nutrients added) under cfl bulbs. plants are 2 and a half weeks into veg. watered when first inch or so of soil feels dry. giving 8oz water and drainage seems good. could the soil just be out of nutrients? i have not added nutes up to this point and theyre in a 1 gallon pot. i had planned on repotting in a larger pot with fresh soil and starting nutes. is this a good idea? whats wrong with my babies!? please help.



Well-Known Member
Looking good with some thing to be corrected, see those thick veins in the leaves in the top middle, nice and think, that slight overwatering biggy, see the soil no perlite thats very bad, add 30% perlite to avoid root compaction and to dilute those hot commercial soils
always add enough soil in you pot to just half an inch from the rim, to avoid death Vally suntan
to my blog:

Repot with 30% perlite water well, allow to recover overnite, no food for 3 weeks or until you see a positive recovery "V"