Please help me identify the problem


Active Member

I am growing an autoflower on a 20/4 cycle with a 250W red CFL. I am using a combination of Plant Magic Old Timer organic Grow and Bloom, I also have some salt based ferts for other plants which are balanced with everything.

The plant is just nearing 4 weeks old and these spots have started to appear the past few days. From looking at various problem solvers I think it may be a boron deficiency, any ideas? Last night I gave it some of the balanced salt fert as it contains boron, I would imagine there is boron in the organic bloom fert but it doesn't say specifically. I don't know if it has helped or not yet.

Any advice?




Hey Spaceghost, to me the second picture especially looks like an overdose-nute burn. What type of soil are you using, and when did you start feeding your plant the nutes? It could be that the soil already had some organic nutes in it and you overdosed them when you started feeding them the extra nutes. I generally don't start feeding my plant until 1 month into the vegetative stage for this very reason.
I'll be curious what others have to say about this too.


Well-Known Member
always look at the new growth to tell if your plant is generally healthy. as your is. idk what the problem WAS all I can tell you for sure is that it isn't a problem anymore.


Active Member
I just used standard multi purpose compost, I didn't start adding nutes (except a root stimulator) but until about 3 weeks in. Those markings were not on the lower leaves until a few days ago, there is also one leaf near the top which has some too. Maybe as yo usaid it was some kind of nute burn and I added some more last night thinking it was deficient and caused more burn. I noticed now that the upper leaves are starting to curl inwards too. I am going to do a light flush I think and just leave it a few days. My leaves look quite dark green to me so maybe I will just hold off on nutrients for a few days.


Active Member
I just used standard multi purpose compost, I didn't start adding nutes (except a root stimulator) but until about 3 weeks in. Those markings were not on the lower leaves until a few days ago, there is also one leaf near the top which has some too. Maybe as yo usaid it was some kind of nute burn and I added some more last night thinking it was deficient and caused more burn. I noticed now that the upper leaves are starting to curl inwards too. I am going to do a light flush I think and just leave it a few days. My leaves look quite dark green to me so maybe I will just hold off on nutrients for a few days.
that sounds like a fine plan... i might wait a lil longer on nutes ... like till it needs it


Active Member
It doesn't look like nute burn, or 'boron'.Boron is required in such micro amounts having a deficiency is pretty rare, (Like PPB not PPM). It looks more like a magnesium deficiency or lockout. Its about the time in the plants life where the plants starts sucking magnesium from the lower leaves. Once it starts, its almost impossible to stop completely. You could try watering with 1/4 TSP epsom salts for the next couple of waterings, or, before the lights go out, foliar feed with 1/16 TSP in plain distllled with spray bottle. Do it one day, then fresh water the next, then foliar feed again. Good luck. But its definintely not nute burn, that's usually on the tips of new growth.