Please help me! Pics inside


Active Member

CAN SOMEONE HELP ME! i think that is cal. mag. deff.

im using a 150w hps sunsystem that light fixture u see ther.I have 8 cfls.6 blue and 2 red. temps are a lil high like 83-88...

how close should the cfls be to the plants..????

My pineapple Thai plant (left) is sick PLEASE HELP


Active Member
Small pic's man, kinda hard to see? maybe alittle burn. what have you givin them lately? It does not look like anything to worrie about. I get just alittle yellowing on tips after nutes but after a couple days looking good. Can't help you much on the mixture with CFL's and HPS system....But doing a CFL grow or even vegging, I would have them, surrounded!with CFL's.... HPS expert's will chime soon to support..