Please help my with my box design


Active Member
I want to build a 2 chamber for cloning and mothers...and the other for flowering the clones.

I was thinking in the veg chamber 2 mothers and 8 clones....and another 8 clones in the flower chamber.

Do you think 2 mothers are enough to supply 4 clones every 2 or 3 weeks??

My goal is for a grow height of about 3 feet at harvest and i have 2 questions for my box.

1) How much space do you think i will need to support 8 flowering clones and the 10 plants in the other chamber. Like, is there a typical Space per plant i need to go by or is it trial and error.

I was thinking of using these overall dimensions for the entire box.

5'w x 2or 2.5'd x 5'h

the extra height will be for lights..and reservoir...i wanna do a drip system.

I plan to ventilate each chamber from the top and intake on the bottom.

2) How strong of lights should i use for the mh in veg and the hps in flower

Please HELP

i know these questions seem a bet detailed but i've never grown before and i don't wanna build a box that doesn't provide the right environment for my plants


Well-Known Member
2 mothers could easily supply 4 clones per 2-3 weeks. for your veg, honestly i think 150watts would be enough seeing that clones barely need any light and 2 mothers isnt much, for your flowering its up to you and how much ventalation you can provide, more light = bigger denser buds so 250watt or more if you can use it without heat problems