Please Help - New Sprouts turning yellow and die


Active Member
Hi all, long time reader first time grower. My set that i have is a Cool Cab from sunlight sheds. very nice set up. i started with northern lights and all seeds sprouted but like after 3-4 days the leaves are turning yellow and just dying. i started a few in rapid rooter plugs, a few in rock wool, and a few in jiffie cube #7 to see which way i would get the best results. i added only water to germinate under a few paper towels. i did try some half strength miracle grow soaked in all grow medium. everything i seem to try is still not helping?? Any ideas guys ?? Oh amd by the way, i did put all the seeds in the clone chamber in top of the unit under cfl. Should i go ahead and throw the MH light to them after sprouting ?? Im so lost and need help please guys :) thanks dudes


Well-Known Member
hey buddy the miracle grow has got to go get your self some fox farm nutes foolproof
also i would recommend switching to soil for first grow soil without nutes iwould let them go a week or so before the big lights come on