Please Help no clue what this is!?


Active Member
I have a few plants about 50 days old and there is some spots on the leaves. water/nutes are phd to 5.8 (growing in a soiless mix) and im using grow big every other watering. any clue what the problem is?? Temps and humidity are good..theyre under a 600 watt mh 22" away. in 2.5 gal pots.
Heres some pics theres 3 different things i notices




Active Member
under the leaves looks pretty normal. I sprayed them with nutes once in the beginning and i sprayed twice with neem/dish soap but this is new growth and nothing has been sprayed on it. also when I did spray them i did it at the beginning of light off.


Well-Known Member
5.8 seems a lil on the border uncomfortable side for plants.

Try getting it just above 6 and see if anything improves


Active Member
5.8 seems a lil on the border uncomfortable side for plants.

Try getting it just above 6 and see if anything improves
Really? I was told to ph the water/nutes to 5.8 since its pro mix. so i should ph it to 6.0-6.2 instead?


I don't really see a problem here unless it's spreading. I have seen many grows where there are a few leaves here and there that are slightly yellow or browned.


Well-Known Member
I use Pro-Mix (or whichever equivalent I can find the cheapest) and water at between 6.3 and 6.8. The Pro-Mix comes with some dolomite lime in the mix for buffering and it will try to keep the pH in this range anyways. What value is your water sitting at after you mix in your food without adjusting pH?


Active Member
I use Promix HP good stuff dont even really need to ph the water due to the dolomite already in it ....


Active Member
I use Pro-Mix (or whichever equivalent I can find the cheapest) and water at between 6.3 and 6.8. The Pro-Mix comes with some dolomite lime in the mix for buffering and it will try to keep the pH in this range anyways. What value is your water sitting at after you mix in your food without adjusting pH?
If I mix it full strength in a gallon it goes to 5.9-6.1 so i only lower it a few points. so this is most likely from low ph?


Well-Known Member
If I mix it full strength in a gallon it goes to 5.9-6.1 so i only lower it a few points. so this is most likely from low ph?
It could be...Do you hit them with full strength every time you feed? If so, I'd back it off to 1/2 strength for their next few meals. Some of your new growth in a few pics looks like it may be starting to burn and get big ridges. Cutting down on fertilizer should raise the pH of your water slightly as well. When you use only water, have you been pHing it as well? What does it come out at from the tap?


Active Member
yeah i ph everything i put in them. I feed every other watering and water usually everyother day or every 3rd day.


Active Member
i was doing 1/4th at first and worked up to full strength they only been fed full strength a few times now. also i had a ph problem in the beginning, i didnt have a ph pen so the ph was way too high. my tap water is around 7.8 i believe. but have since then been phing everything to 5.8 and they have looked fine untill these 3 spots. I also added 2tsp of Epsom salt/ gal of water last feeding (3days ago) because the newer growth was looking pale.


Well-Known Member
Wow, those nutes must be pretty acidic to drop your water's pH by almost 2 whole points. Either that or your water is pretty low in dissolved solids to begin with.

I'd still try backing off on the food a little and raising the pH by about half a point while keeping an eye on the new growth.