please help! "rapid changes" (weird looking leaf tips) "plant problems!"


Active Member
Hey guys,,I keep finding new problems

From droopy leaves the other day,"which i assumed was from over watering/under-aerating" My baby started show weird signs on the fan leaves,like burnt/limp discoloration etc only on the old parts of the plant!!

So i flushed her with ph'd water "pretty sure i wasnt feeding her strong amounts maybe half strengths of bloom or so!!"(maybe fulls a couple of times)
filled the reservoir back up with nute another pump and dumped another stone in there!
(i have got 3 stones in there now.. small bucket!)

looked at her before!! and noticed she has perked up a bit,but the tips are curling up,and sideways etc..! :S
They seem brittle! the older leaves are dying!! as i posted before!!!
you can look back in the forums on my other posts and let me know!
would kindly appreciate it!

btw could the leaf problems be caused by my lighting! too close or anything!!
hope my pics will help!!!



Well-Known Member
Flush asp ....U burnt them....I think u use hydro sys,,,,
Fresh water with correct ppm no nut
flush for 3 times
They will get better 99%