please help, several questions


Active Member
I have grown five plants as a trial and got a male mixed up in the bunch and it seeded one of my females. In the end I got 2 great plants, but, I think I grew them too tall as they were nearly 5 foot tall when they had fininshed flowering, with small buds, also I took the tops off them after reading some comments on the forums. I now know not to do that and to get rid of the males as soon as I see a ball.
The smoke was ok, good in fact but not "blasting". (better than the block thats on sale though.)
I took cuttings and clones and ended up with about 38 clones,
I have a set up with a seperate growing room with 400hd light and a flowing room with a 250 hd light, the growing is set at 18/24 and flowering 12/12.
I put several of the clones in to the flowing room when the clones where about 1 to 1 1/2 foot tall. These seem to be doing great.
The problem I am having is with the clones I still have in the growing room they should be going into flower next week, but are having some problems.
They are wilting, the tops are bending over and looking withered, there is an orange effect on some of the leaves, the tops seemed to close up too,
I also have some seeds and they are doing great. I cant see any infestation of any sort.
I am using the same soil as used in tomato growing and use a plant feed with the correct recommended php etc.
Any advice as to how to get these little buggars back to life would be great.
Also any advice how to get the best heads grown on the plants.
Also how many ounces would one get of say a 3 to 4 foot plant.

Pot dude