Please help! Should I harvest now if I’m seeing a couple mold spots?


Active Member
Ive taken the chunks out and cleaned with apple cider vinegar. I’m worried it will spread if I don’t cut it now. It’s probably a week or so before the right time but should I take the risk? Why is it so damp in the buds and it has t been raining?! Is it caterpillar pee?!



Well-Known Member
Often in large buds that are tight it sets up conditions where the bud is transpiring but the moisture on the inside of the bud can't escape, which provides an environment for bud rot. It would be nice if you could wait, but it's up to you. As you know, rot spreads fast.


Budrot starts from the inside and buds that appear to be fine might already have started going bad. Gently give a pull to the sugarleaves sticking out buds that look healthy. They will come loose if the bud is infected.