Please help! spider mites or nutrient deficiency?


Please help - I have been spraying neem oil, dish soap & distilled water mixture every 2-3 days for about a week now. i believe the fan leaves have some spider mite damage (not 100% sure I have not looked under a magnifying glass)... the new leaves (circled red) deformity and slight whiteness is that spider mites or some sort of nutrient deficiency or genetic? the strain is fire OG.

does anyone know if my consistent neem oil, dish soap and distilled water spray every 2 - 3 days will help solve the problem by the time i'm ready to enter the flowering stage or should i ditch the plants and start over?




I just picked some of the lower leaves that appeared damaged and looked at them very closely using my LED flashlight and could see a couple of invisible critters moving around :( i have been spraying neem oil (i'm thinking i should ditch my plants and leave my grow cabinet vacant for a few months and then try it again in the future or am i over reacting? :( very sad now spider mites :(


On a minor spider mite infestation does it make sense to use Mighty Wash or SNS 217 or should I just kill the plants and start over?