Please help! Splotches on leaves and brown curling edges - day 47 flowering

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
While I know the fan leaves have a tendancy to yellow and die towards the end of flowering, this doesn't look normal - there are yellow spots starting from the middle of the new leaves and the old leaves are getting brown and crusty on the edges underneath. Neither of these problems look "normal" but this is my first grow.

I may have overnuted with cha-ching, or not given enough of a flush last watering.

They are halfway between waterings, should I flush now?? HELP!

the buds look great, however it seems they haven't been packing on the weight they could be.

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
Nothing? SOMEBODY must know. I've helped out literally hundreds of people here, and I can't get one response. I'm beginning to lose faith in RIU


Active Member
the first two pics show a P deficiency and the last 3 are look like leaf fugus: powdery midlew or downey mildew, its hard to judge with the hps but possibly both.

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
the first two pics show a P deficiency and the last 3 are look like leaf fugus: powdery midlew or downey mildew, its hard to judge with the hps but possibly both.
no, it definitely wasn't a fungus, nothing rubbed off of the leaves when touched, and it spread and got worse quickly over the next day, indicating a chemical burn. I flushed heavily and have been feeding with only water.

They are finally looking better, green is coming back. I've only got about one to two weeks left (theoretically) and I'm seeing some new bud growth and fattening, with some amber pistils here and there, but less than 30%. I may switch the light over a CMH bulb tomorrow