*Please help to newbie* Whats this strain, is it a female?


Hello friends,

Can anyone please tell me the strain, gender and how long till flowering about my first grow?




Well-Known Member
Near impossible to tell a strain from looks, especially at that stage (although from the fat fan leaves my guess would be a indica dominant strain). Looks a bit stretched, but otherwise healthy. I don't see any signs of sex yet, to early. Is this an indoor plant? Some more details...


Thanks for you reply.

It is an outdoor plant, i don't have the enviroment to grow inside. Just took it in to take couple pictures. It only gets 8 hours of direct and 4 hours of indirect light from sun since it was a seed. It has been around 5 weeks so isn't it supposed to start flowering?


Well-Known Member
It can take up to 10 weeks to start flowering... probably even more, although less is possible too. I don't grow outdoors, but 5 weeks is pretty early


Well-Known Member
it will flower by the beginning of august give or take a week. once the plant reaches sexual maturity or starts flowering it will show sex


Woow sounded like a lot of time to wait :(

I have been told on another topic that:
if you have less than 12 hours of light your plant will act like it's flowering. you can grow a seed from flowering light from the start. it will veg for 2 weeks and do the normal stretching that flowering does. then when the plant is ready it will start flowering, as long as you have less than 12 hours of light for the whole grow everything will be fine.