Please Help. Unknown problem


Active Member
So I am growing some outside and because I started it so early and I am so far north it is well on its way (about 25% of the hairs have turned).

My question is:

On some of the nugs there are brown "patches". The sections are very dark in color and the hairs on them are completely orange already. they look like they are burned or even molding or something. Can anyone help?

again, the sections are on some nugs, but not the whole nug, just a small part will be dark brown almost and be very moist when I pull them off. I have no idea, anyone familiar with this at all?

here is a pic, not great, but i clipped off most of the spots, there were only a few on the plant, i am just stumped, might be mold i guess

here are a couple of the plant itself.

Been a great season here, it is about 5 feet from the soil to the top. It is an Early Girl plant. I also have 8 foot monsters just starting to do their thing. this one is earlier than I expected




Active Member
thanks, i think it is a mold, I clip it off whenever i find a small patch, it is outside, so I can't do anything about the rainy last few weeks


Well-Known Member
take a real good inspecion of the whole plant mang there might be a part thats spreading to the rest clip em all off and best of luk to ya