please help with odour problem


Active Member
ive got a set up in the garage and i dont want the smell to get out, is their any cheap options out there apart from the expensive carbon filter untill i sell the first grow i cant afford a filter its onlt gonna be a short term problem

mr west

Well-Known Member
air freasheners then lots of them burn incense and oils. You can buy stuff the nutralises the smell of urin, anti-aki-poo its called or something thers lots of nutralisers on the market now, Oust is one that springs to mind. Tell ppl u got a tom cat problem or something.


Well-Known Member
ive got a set up in the garage and i dont want the smell to get out, is their any cheap options out there apart from the expensive carbon filter untill i sell the first grow i cant afford a filter its onlt gonna be a short term problem
read this thread it should help. on one of my posts i have link to a thread with pictures on how to make. gl this thread will self destruct in 5 tokes of a joint