please help


Active Member
:cry: i've been trying to upload pics from my web cam.....but i keep getting a message that i need to resize...which i have and for some reason....i still can't upload.
i have stayed within the parameters but to no avail
does anyone know if i should place a the roll it up .org on the pics while i am editing......just wondering becuase most of the pics i've seen on here have that on them....
please help...seems like the pictures are the best when asking for help.

unfortunatly i do not have a regular camera to take the pics broke...kinda sucks at a time like now:cry:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
the writing is put on pictures automatically that are attached through the site. you may want to try an image hosting site like photobucket. I don't know what else the problem could be if you have resized it correctly.


Well-Known Member
Which method are you trying to use? The "go advanced" then "manage attachments" or the "add pic" thru the editor, ie: uploading to your photos/albums and pasting the code?