Please help :)

Hello fellow growers im having a few problems with my closet grow, I'll start off by explaining my set up, I have 4 plants with a 400w HPS light hanging about 90cm above the plants, i have an office fan that produces pretty good circulation and i dont have it directly blowing on the plants, the temp is between 26 to 32 depending on time of day, the plants are in coco soil which i heard was the shit, 3 of my plants are trainwreck and one blueberry, the closet is about 6ft long 2ft wide 10ft high but im only using about 4 sq ft of growing space, i have a white plastic reflecter sheet acting as a curtain around my plants, with one side open to let fresh air circulate, i also have a small ventilatar on a top shelf that i plug in for a couple of hours a day along with opening the closet door and the window which lets in good air, and i put a damp towel in every day to help with the humididty, there being feed Plantastic feed part A and part B at 20ml per 4 litres each part, my P.H is bang on 6.0 im using good qaulity water coz i have access to it, so heres the problem its my first grow and i read loads before hand and thought i could do this easily well its been 2 months in and all 4 plants are only 3 inches tall at the max, they should be growing more right? i was expecting something a lot different to this, i dont know what to do with my babys im being patient but there being very cheeky, if anyone can help it would be much appreciated,

peace and love to all


Well-Known Member
how often you feeding..........should be every other day..............are you using coco specific food?
i feed them when the soil is dry and the plants arnt to heavy with old water usually about every 4 days and each plant takes about half a litre each feed, is that wrong???



Well-Known Member
for coco you use coco specific nutes and feed every other day full need to let dry out cause you cant over water..feed with 20 percent run off