please help

I have two plants, recently sprouted ( one week old from when they went in the ground ). I have one 20 w cfl directly over both plants about two inches above the tops of the plants. The soil is moist to the touch the plants are about two inches tall. They are in a 3 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft square space lined with white glossy paper. I also have some desk UV lamp in the space because it emitts heat and keeps my room at about 75-80 degrees F. I use distilled drinking water that has been sitting out for a day for watering, and the soil is some soil that i stole from my botany class at college, and there is also a fan for ventillation.

PLEASE tell me what's wrong, what's right. I can change anything anytime, just want to do it cheap. help...............


Well-Known Member
Hmm...i'm not an expert...just starting out like you are...but have been doing a lot of reading.
From what i will need more light...and don't water as much...wait until the soil is completely dry until u water again...test the water for ph...and the soil probably...hope i helped...