please help


firsttimwNew Member

Help . Leaves folding under from one side onnly on 2 leaves . Temp 75-80
Nft feed currently 3 15 mins a day . 1/4 strength nutes . Humid 40 - 50
Night temps 70-75 , 30-40



Thanks for the reply . 5.8 hydro . Colours all fine the nodes are close is that ok ? And and ideas on when i should use hps250w . Curreblt 150 cfl and its just over 2 weeks from sprout


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. You want the nodes close together in veg. They will double or triple in size when you switch them to flower so when you want to put the hps on them is kinda up to you. If they are 12" tall when you flower they could end at 36" by the time they finish stretching.

I like to wait until I see preflowers to flower, but some people don't.