please, needsome help :)

hello everybody,

its about my automatic-seedlings.
they germinated well after 28h in coco-jiffys. 5 days after germintaing i put them in 11L containers, filled with coco-perlite-mix (80/20) . they got about 200ml of nutrientsolution (advanced nutrients Grow A+B 1ml/L,VoodoJuice 2ml/L, B-52 (2ml/L) and some RootJuice (Hesi) 5ml/L. the PH is about 5.5-5.6 and the EC about 1.1, with a starter EC at about 0.3(clearwater from the pipe).

the tep. is between 24C-19C from day to night. they are under a 20/4h lightcircle, because they are automatics.
lightsource: 400W MH Growspectre + 200W ESL Growspectre.

the little plants are now in day 11.

i feed them every second day with 200-300ml nutrientsolution. the coco-medium looks very dry und dusty.

the plants are growing bigger but not so fast. the most of them are good looking,nice green- only 3 of them are not so vital like the rest and a little bit yellowish.

please can somebody tell me, if its enough water for them, or would it be better to give them more water? or maybe less ????

thx forwards :) !!!!!!!!!


Active Member
The seedling itself has enough nutes available to carry it throughout the first 2 - 3 weeks of growth. I would water only once a week at this point. Or untill the soil becomes dry

- ill make some pics, tomorrow, then please let me now :)

- thats the point, the coco-mix ist very dry,i hope you see what i mean, when you see it on the pics.
...2-3 weeks no nutrients ? the EC of the cocomix is 0.0 ?

thanks, until tomorrow :)


yes PuffinChronic is right don't need to feed for first 2-3 weeks also seems like you would be feeding to much, i only feed every week or after 2 watering
hey guys,

sorry for my late answer, my notebooks-fan isnt working right.

i´m still giving nutrients solution with an total EC of 1.1 but i maximized the watervalue from 0.250ml every second day - to 500ml every second day, and the plants are growing faster, and are better looking. only 1 lady is smaller than the others.

the pics will follow in the next days, and we will see if im right or not :)
hey guys,

sorry for my late answer, my notebooks-fan isnt working right.

i´m still giving nutrients solution with an total EC of 1.1 but i maximized the watervalue from 0.250ml every second day - to 500ml every second day, and the plants are growing faster, and are better looking. only 1 lady is smaller than the others.

the pics will follow in the next days, and we will see if im right or not :)


Active Member
notebooks-fan isnt working right. My Compaq repeatedly got clogged until my DVD drive went out and it was more economically feasible to just live with a 3 yo laptop so out came the tools. If you take the caned air and back blow the exhaust does the fuzz and lint have any where to go? Now it does on my QC 60 210us as I removed the bottom fan cover. Easy to get in and clean up the fan blades. As my wife types so fast she blows the keys off playing games, replacing the keyboard and DVD might as well get a new cheap laptop. When I get wifes netbook back up I will scan the butchered bottom and post it, but it works!
thank you, i opended the notebook and cleaned it as good i can. i can still here the fan, but´s allright now.

....the seedlings are grown up to little plants and are now in day 19. i use "emerald sherman" as a foilar spray, and it seems to work well. it´s pure organic, what i prefer..... the rest nutrients are still the same, but i m useing no more Root-Juice since three days.
today i saw on one plant the first white hair :)