Please Take a Gander. Pics Included!

At first a saw a leaf or two that I had done this and I wasn't worried. Now there are multiple brown/yellow tips on multiple plants. Thanks in advance for your advice and diagnosis!013.jpg012.jpg017.jpg
Yes I am using nutes that I bought at home depot at 100% of the recommended dosage. I am switching to Big Bloom Thursday when I flower. I'm not totally sure what my temps are bc I don't have a thermometer in there, but I live in the south and its very warm here. High 80's outside and my AC is on 77. It's probably in the low 80's in there because I added 4 CFL's last Sunday.


RIU Bulldog
That's signs of nute burn or over-fertilization.
100% is probablt ytoo high right now. Maybe
back down to 75%.