Please take a sec and help a noob out, is this nute burn?


Active Member
alot of people say to begin nutes with the advent of veg growth, moreover this can be caculated by your fan devoloping 9 finger leaves. you wayyy of, it looks like possible nute burn as your plants shouldnt be affected by toxicities/deficiencies until at least the 4th week of growth. you shouldnt be giving them growth stimulants or nutes at such a young age, start at the 3-4th week unless your plants are extremely fast growing.don't give them any more nutes and let them balance themselves out.


Well-Known Member
You need to measure your ph. It's very important especially when your using a soil less medium. To me you are having ph issues, that's why your leaves on the bottom look weird and it's having issues in the middle of the leaves not just the end. I've never used rockwool,, but I've grown in perlite quite a bit and if my ph off is by more then half a point I start getting issues like yours.


Well-Known Member
Yeah make sure ph is well. Are you using ro, distilled or tap water? I use tap water if you are using tap water make sure you let it sit for 24hrs b4 use. Good luck