Pls help my baby


New Member
Hi I've had this little guy in soil for about a week now (from seed to now) and today I noticed a bit of burning on the round leaves... Should I cut the burnt part off with a sterile blade? Or leave it..? It's in normal dirt from my yard mixed with some peat moss and I only water with distilled water. Tips? Suggestions? Advice? Anything would be much appreciated thanks!



Well-Known Member
seen post like this before.... ive heard its nothing to worry about i got a 2 day old seedling i have no spots at all... it could be the lights... but im no pro....


Well-Known Member
Next time don't use soil from your yard, you have no idea what is in it. Get some potting soil from a garden center. The seedling looks pretty much OK, but time will tell. Just don't over water and no nutes for a couple of weeks at least, and watch your PH. Good luck


New Member
Leave it be sweetie...You probably have nute burn. What kind of soil are you using?
I'm using plain dirt from my backyard and it's mixed with peat moss, maybe a bit of manure in there I'm not sure though. And I'm guessing the only way I could get nute burn is from the possible manure. Thanks for that info!


New Member
Next time don't use soil from your yard, you have no idea what is in it. Get some potting soil from a garden center. The seedling looks pretty much OK, but time will tell. Just don't over water and no nutes for a couple of weeks at least, and watch your PH. Good luck
Yeah I got you... Rookie mistake, I have fox farm happy frog but I thought THAT would give burns, instead of plain old nutrientless dirt lol but I'll take your advice and not water for a bit and see what happens, if it looks ok then it's ok, thanks so much!

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Next time don't use soil from your yard, you have no idea what is in it. Get some potting soil from a garden center. The seedling looks pretty much OK, but time will tell. Just don't over water and no nutes for a couple of weeks at least, and watch your PH. Good luck
that works. also, i use a mist bottle for watering seedlings. you want the soil to be mildly moist, not wet. over watering kills more plants than probably all diseases and insects combined, maybe. on with the grow! GL