PLZ HELP!! 1st grow plant problems *PICS*


Active Member
my plants have been growing pretty decently up untill now and i havent gave them any nutes untill yesturday i have a 12-4-8 liqua-feed miracle grow. im not sure how much to give them tho becuase its supposed to be hooked up to a sprayer so last night when i watered them i gave them a couple good sized squirts mixed into it. basically just looking for input, also wondering if i should trim off the damaged leaves? ALSO useing 5 26 watt cfls constant fan 24 hour light, tap water that sits 24 hours, and they are in organic potting soil, avrg temp 79-83 deg F, with about 26% humidity. and thanks you for your help!!!!!!!!!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
water ph can always be a far as the fertilizer goes i would start out giving it next to nothing and adding more until you have reached the breaking point and them back off.


Active Member
water ph can always be a far as the fertilizer goes i would start out giving it next to nothing and adding more until you have reached the breaking point and them back off.
so does anybody test the soil ph? or is the water ph more important? also is there any decent tester that can tell you how much N P K is in your soil for under $100?


Well-Known Member
more light i use cfls and have 5 26 watts and a 150 watt cfl my plants did that too untill i got the 150 watt bulb try useing bottled water too


Well-Known Member
you used too much nutes for sure. If you havent really given them any before, adding any amount can shock the plant. Flush those babies a little bit. Generally you should use nutes at a quarter strength of recommended. It's called weed for a reason, shits gonna grow, just be kind to them.