plz help a noob


ok so im growing outside for veg inside for flower....right now my plants are about 3 weeks old with 4th nodes sprouting. where im at it can really get hot average 75-85 but it also can rain a bit and, for the last two days it has rained and, when i looked outside my plants were very droopy i dont know if its because then sun is down and there just relaxed or if there over watered it is also supposed to rain again tomorrow do you think they are over watered?if so will these affect my plants seriously?Or can i just let them starve untill they dryout......will this be ok?


New Member
ok so im growing outside for veg inside for flower....right now my plants are about 3 weeks old with 4th nodes sprouting. where im at it can really get hot average 75-85 but it also can rain a bit and, for the last two days it has rained and, when i looked outside my plants were very droopy i dont know if its because then sun is down and there just relaxed or if there over watered it is also supposed to rain again tomorrow do you think they are over watered?if so will these affect my plants seriously?Or can i just let them starve untill they dryout......will this be ok?
cover them... yes starve them out til the soil is nice and crispy.. listen to ur plants dude.. they will tell you when they need water... dont water them again til the soil is nice and aerated..(or it starts drooping again then time to water) the roots need oxygen as well... umm you will be able to tell when they need water before they start drooping from experience.. OVERWATERING IS LIFE THREATENING AS WELL AS UNDERWATERING... if u need more detail say so.. or post pics...


Well-Known Member
My plants always look a bit droopy when they get rained on. It's normal. The rain is not life threatening to the plant unless the roots are completely submerged in water and the roots are unable to get oxygen. Make sure your holes/pots have drainage and you'll be all set.


its all good i think....this morning when i checked on them them were up like a hard on! but the soil is still very wet so ill let it get extra crispy before i water them