PLZ help RIU


watsup every1, heres the issue i have an an auto seeds Hi-jack and i had in a party cup outside but decided to bring it indoors with a 75watt soft white , lamp (not the right light i know) anyways it looks really droopy and im just scared it wont make what do u guys think is the issue, i just watered yesturday, usually water evey 3 days when dry.. im scared its something serious....... anyways thanks

Btw the othe one is an mkultra they both started @ the same time which is why im concerned



Your pictures aren't the clearest, but the first plant does look bad, the second one looks a lot healthier. For now I would just put them outside, this way they can get the right light. If they start flopping over just attach them to a tooth pick.


Your pictures aren't the clearest, but the first plant does look bad, the second one looks a lot healthier. For now I would just put them outside, this way they can get the right light. If they start flopping over just attach them to a tooth pick.
good advice i will try nd get better pics up just imagine the initial 2 leaves getting brown and dying and the first set of leaves drooping inwards


good advice i will try nd get better pics up just imagine the initial 2 leaves getting brown and dying and the first set of leaves drooping inwards
It's pretty simple your plant is dying. You are watering it every 3 days. If you had the correct sun you should be watering it every 1-2 days. Try watering it every 1-2 days and stick your plants out in the sun, this way they get their full sun and water.
The plant in pic number 4 looks quite lanky. Very stretched. IMO.

It's hard to tell but it also looks like there are signs of damping off in the fourth pic. Although, if you say you let it dry beforer rewatering... I don't know. Damping off is caused by being to wet all the time.

That's all I got.

Hope something helps.


Well-Known Member
Picture #3, the blue cup is split along the side. Don't try to replant, just slide another cup over the whole shebang.
