Police Brutality - Kelly Thomas (slightly NSFW - beating victim)


Well-Known Member
I saw this and it filled me with rage.


This is Kelly Thomas, 38 year old homeless guy living in Fullerton CA;

On July 5 2011, two police officers, Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli get snagged beating, tasing, and suffocating this man to death. It really takes watching the whole clip, beginning to end, to get the full feel of the confrontation. It becomes clear the cops intentions from the start, that's all I'll say, see for yourself.

Anyway, they beat him into a coma, and the dude died 5 days later after his parents took him off of life support. Check out this awesome picture of him after the police were done with him;

And here's the recently released video footage of the beating;


What I find the most enraging part about the whole thing is this;

"Police say they won't talk about what force was used since it's under investigation, but they say at lest six officers were involved and two officers suffered broken bones in the fight."

^^^Published Mon, July 11, 2011


That was the departments comment about the incident days later, exactly how it always is. A year later we find out no officers suffered broken bones, none of them were even hurt. They lied. Lied because they murdered a guy. Now come to find out the shit was all captured on video and we can see their lies for ourselves.

On a similar note, look at this crooked motherfucker stop this guy, abuse his civil rights by insisting on searching the guys vehicle, the guy refuses knowing he doesn't have anything illegal, dude gets his dog to do a false positive on the front of the car, automatically giving the cop probable cause, searches, doesn't find shit, claims the dog signaled on the marijuana shake on his floor, lets the guy go after holding him up for a half hour.




Well-Known Member
^^^ and that is why i believe we shouldnt fear them... and why people should stand together to ensure that there are checks and balances in place for the people that are put into the position of a "officer of the law"...

those people "regardless" of position... they all should be tried and locked up for the either manslaughter of that man or for murder and accomplices of murder... period


Well-Known Member
One ended up getting 2nd degree murder and felony manslaughter, the other one got manslaughter. I'm not sure how much time they got, but what's justice? Say they did 10 years... dude's still dead. That's not justice to me, and neither would 20-30-40-50 years... No amount of time these guys could do would be justice. I'm going to look around for their testimonies during the trial to see what their side of it was, because as far as I know, they gave them before they knew this video existed, meaning they thought there weren't any witnesses to it. So I'd love to hear what they had to say about it, and compare it to what they have to say now.


Well-Known Member
well... yeah justice is very subjective... and as unfortunate as it is... there will never be "enough" justice because as we all should know no one can be brought back to life... (baring shock pads etc...) but for all intensive realities purposes... what was done cant be undone...

people should hopefully... (even though how very very wrong this event and countless others are) people should know now that the whole "eye for an eye" never accomplishes anything... it just perpetuates it...

yes... it would be interesting to see how (if new testimony) including witnesses or video... and if need be re-open the case and or make new policies for the dept in which this occurred and also countrywide policy change and penalties for excessive force needs to be nipped in the bud right away so that these officers will have to think twice about what their roles are in the title of "protect and serve" the people "really" means...
I hope those fuckn pigs rot in hell.

They are even laughing when they mention " We cant take him to the hospital in my cruiser like that"
Its good to know they car more about their cruiser than a human beings life.

Damn this shit makes my blood boil.


Well-Known Member
They're fucking with him in the beginning of the video. I bet he just wanted to find a place to sleep. Hopefully they get beaten and raped in prison :)


Well-Known Member
One ended up getting 2nd degree murder and felony manslaughter, the other one got manslaughter. I'm not sure how much time they got, but what's justice? Say they did 10 years... dude's still dead. That's not justice to me, and neither would 20-30-40-50 years... No amount of time these guys could do would be justice. I'm going to look around for their testimonies during the trial to see what their side of it was, because as far as I know, they gave them before they knew this video existed, meaning they thought there weren't any witnesses to it. So I'd love to hear what they had to say about it, and compare it to what they have to say now.

10 years prison as a ex cop, justice will probably be served many times over


Active Member
what you gota remember the guy had mental health problems where the cops traind for dealing with people like that it still dosn't give them the right to do that.

maybe if they had the proper training they may have aproched the situation difrently.

the poor guy it makes me sad that people like him with mental health probs dont get the help they need


Well-Known Member
At around 15 minutes or so, the guy is just sitting there. The cop walks up to him clenches his fists and tells him he's going to fuck him up and then proceeds to give him conflicting orders and starts getting aggressive. I think I would go for first degree if I were the prosecutor.


Well-Known Member
That fat cop is going to get what he deserves in jail. That was all to defend their ego. A COP talks shit to a hobo, WTF DO YOU EXPECT A HOBO TO DO?!?! NOT TALK SHIT BACK?!?!?! If a cop can't keep his temper from being trolled on by a hobo, then he shouldn't be a cop.


Active Member
just watched this vid, it enraged me.
i hope they get ass raped over and over to the point that the only way out is to take their own lives.
i dont live in americ and with a force like this im glad i dont and feel for any criminal that gets in front of a force like these.


Active Member
this is really crazy. These pigs need to be beaten until they are nearly dead and then beaten again. And I want to watch it on video