Police Proof Box


Well-Known Member
is there an online company or have you ever seen, what i would call a "police proof box". like a small container maybe bigger than a cigarette pack with a lock, so i wouldnt have to worry about cops searching me or my car.

ive never run into a situation like that, what can a cop legally do if they serach me and find a small locked metal box that they couldnt get into. obviously if i was being arrested thats a different case, but could i get arrested for possessing a strange locked metal box on me?

basically a tiny safe.

also further more on the topic of Police Proof Boxes, is there a lock safe to store things in safe enough, that if confiscated you think could NOT be opened.


Well-Known Member
ya but if they got inside it they could not use what they found in court. They could not use it because they did not get a warrant for it. They can search your car with out a warrant but they cannot break in to a locked box with out one.


Well-Known Member
in the state of california, an officer cannot open a locked section of any private property without a warrant. unless they want the evidence thrown out of court. that means the glove box, the trunk, and your "blackbox" or whatever. and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. know your rights. better yet, get a prepaid lawyer and carry his card aroud with you. when they pull you over, toss the card at 'em. they'll leave you the fuck alone. pigs hate paperwork more than they hate stoner's.

oh, if you consent to a search of your vehicle, you have given up all rights to your locked areas. but if they do a legal search cause of a suspicion, it will require a warrent to open them...thats how it works on paper tho. cops like to "accidentally break things" sometimes.
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Active Member
i have a record.. so they can search me as they please.. like my car.. but what about the box? that rules applies right? they cant go through it without a warrant.. i can just say its my mom's and she wouldnt like to share whats inside unless u can get a warrant. the cop might be a bitch and confuse u and threaten you... but just keep quiet. they end up giving u a ticket( for whatever fuking reason they "stopped" you for. and just let u go and have a nice night and i hope to never see u again..


Well-Known Member
Having a locked box in your car accomplishes nothing. If you give consent to search, that consent includes any locked boxes or areas. If you refuse, they still hold you and bring a dog / get a warrant which will get them into the box.

This is like saying if you lock weed in your glove box you are golden.....


Active Member
in order to have the dog's or a warrant they need to wait till the next morning for a high court judge to approve it. if your some kid in your car getting pulled over they would just talk shit and let u go after an hour trying to get you to say sure look inside.. but in my case i guess that doesn't work :/ they can search me whenever ... i hid emy shit in my hood inside my Cold intake box.. made a little box inside and lol i had up to 5oz in there. and happily i tell them sure serch my car.. they never check your hood.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
True that.... I got pulled over for speeding late at night by a county sheriff and when they asked if they could search the car I said no. They gave me the run down and wound up forgetting that they pulled me over for doing 77 in a 55 because they wouldn't show me the radar. The instant I saw them I looked down and was only going 63 so I knew they were lying and they were just wanting to search my car...


Well-Known Member
i have a record.. so they can search me as they please.. like my car.. but what about the box? that rules applies right? they cant go through it without a warrant.. i can just say its my mom's and she wouldn't like to share whats inside unless u can get a warrant. the cop might be a bitch and confuse u and threaten you... but just keep quiet. they end up giving u a ticket( for whatever fuking reason they "stopped" you for. and just let u go and have a nice night and i hope to never see u again..
I think it depends on what state you live in and if it is the feds. If it is a small town cop that is pulling you over and your prior was drug possession ya I think he would look... He has nothing to do then yes he will do it. If you are in a huge metro area and the possession would more than likely be a misdemeanor, then probably not.

I am going to stick with my original statement no warrant and it's locked ... it's not admissible in court.


Well-Known Member
Yes, and not only can they bring the dog ( to help secure the warrant ) but they can produce false hits with the dog, which gives them a free warrant.
omg you are so right.! They are just assholes. When it comes down to it we have no rights when it comes to the cops. :evil:That sucks