pollinating a feminized plant???

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
No, feminised seeds come from hermaphrodites. A common misconception is that this means the seeds have a higher chance of growing into hermies themselves. But if the parent plant was induced to become both sexes by fuxxing with the light cycle or another method, then as long as the parent was not genetically inclined to be hermaphroditic in the first place, it should not be a trait that is passed on to it's offspring.
When you say a feminised plant, I assume you mean grown from a feminised seed, right? In which case it is just as worthwhile to pollinate that as any regular female plant.
That doesn't mean that you will get good seeds from it, in fact if you cross it with another plant then a lot of the seeds you get could well be shite. It takes several generations of selective breeding and back-crossing to produce a genetically stable strain. There's no harm in giving it a go, but plant as many seeds as you can and pick the best ones out or you might be disappointed with the results.


Active Member
Thanks... It's probably just as well to get rid of the male. Its some kind of mexican I think and the females all come from fem'd seeds from Nirvana. Maybe not a good idea.


Well-Known Member
hermed pollen used on self will give you herms for children
hermed pollen used on another female hopefully 100percent female will give you femanized seeds if a small percent of mother gene is hermed then a small percent of beans will be herms and so on if large amount of herm gene exist ..........do you feel me
thats why need to start with 100percent female to pollenate

peace to you
lots of luck
im out