Pool Shock in Res - Root Rot help


Well-Known Member
I have questions about this. won't the chlorine from this be gone in 48 hours. I think its about 2.5 grams for my 75 gallon res. What else should I know? I got root rot and plan going this route if its not cleared in a few days. I just upped the dosage of Hydrogaurd and used Phyton 27 to hopefully clear it up.

Im debating just making plants clones as well. They are a little small though, leaves are all straight down. I didn't know what it was at first thought it was under/over feed.
yes. sooner if you have rot.
So what's the protocol? Do you keep putting shock in. I got plants that leaves are straight down for like 10 days now.

Hydrogaurd is trippled with little improvement. Can you just chlorinate this?think mini tab in a float. Just asking this is my 2nd hydro grow. First one didnt get rot no issue but algae.
So what's the protocol? Do you keep putting shock in
so the only guideline to really follow is that 1 to 5ppm of chlorine is safe for plants and humans. and the more rot you have, the faster the chlorine will be used up in battling the rot.

i would hit them with 5ppm on day 1. then maybe day 3 hit them with 2 or 3ppm. same on day 5. same on day 7. in a week, it "should' be cleared up.

are you in dwc or something else? the area most people miss is the netpot. you have to top feed them thru the net pot as well. you want every nook and cranny to be hit with chlorine.

make sense?

and you know that 0.10 grams per 10 gallons water is 1ppm chlorine? so 0.5g per 10 gal is 5 ppm (max dose)
It makes sense im doing ebb/flow 50 gallon res. So 2.5 gram do you go back to hydrogaurd when they are back. I just upped my hydrogaurd on Sunday Im going to make a call Thanksgiving. i might float a 1/4 tab in there lol i can measure the chlorine ppm too. I have a pool and kit.
So what's the protocol? Do you keep putting shock in. I got plants that leaves are straight down for like 10 days now.

Hydrogaurd is trippled with little improvement. Can you just chlorinate this?think mini tab in a float. Just asking this is my 2nd hydro grow. First one didnt get rot no issue but algae.
Iodine test strips will tell you when the killing power is used up. That means redose. Not til then.
What does the strip show when ready?
If an iodine test strip turns dark blue, that means that there still is oxidizer, which matches effective kill power.

So when the test strip is unresponsive but the rot isn’t entirely finished, that is the signal to redose. Rot consumes disinfectant, and if you get it 90% killed, the longer-term prognosis is poor.
Thank so much guys. I got radogear blueberry sunday on right now. If the pool shock etc doesn't work going to just chop up for clones. They are a little small though. I appreciate it!
There has to be more to root rot....I have ran an experimental grow in dwc and did not change the res once throughout the entire grow in a 5 gallon res. No chiller either. I used hydroguard once a month and not once had a problem. I was topping up over a gallon a day so I am thinking the constant replenishing made me less prone to rot.
I def didn't clean after last veg before thi
If an iodine test strip turns dark blue, that means that there still is oxidizer, which matches effective kill power.

So when the test strip is unresponsive but the rot isn’t entirely finished, that is the signal to redose. Rot consumes disinfectant, and if you get it 90% killed, the longer-term prognosis is poor.

Is there any chance you can link the test strip? Thanks so much,