Poopin with Jesus


Has anyone ever takin a poop on acid? I never have until today.. and I will let you know that this has got to be one of the best experiences of my life! If you have never i suggest you do. good times..


Well-Known Member
a friend told me taking a shit on acid was one of the worst experiences of his life. i always held and forgot about it till i wasnt tripping anymore to avoid it


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Nah guys, this dude has a point! I was takin a shit on L, and my b/r tiles are like stone tiles so they aren't uniform and flat and such.. dude it looked like a 2 foot high hologram of light shining out from the tiles, and when I moved my head/body, the hologram moved. The whole room fealt like there was a heavenly presence (and I'm not rly into religion or anythin either)...


Well-Known Member
I'd rather not do anything messy while high on acid. Not that I'd know what was going on anyways :).


Well-Known Member
the title of this thread is pure gold!

how about the rolling poop? you better have a firm grip of your sexuality before you try grindin one out all touchy feely on E...you might just change your mind!:shock:


Nah guys, this dude has a point! I was takin a shit on L, and my b/r tiles are like stone tiles so they aren't uniform and flat and such.. dude it looked like a 2 foot high hologram of light shining out from the tiles, and when I moved my head/body, the hologram moved. The whole room fealt like there was a heavenly presence (and I'm not rly into religion or anythin either)...
Thank you Shepj. Its pretty fun. And if you've never tried it I suggest you do atleast before you knock down other people for experiencing one of the many experiences that a person should definitely experience in this world we live in.


Active Member
i think i did...i always enjoy peeing on acid between watching the bathroom tiles and little marks you never notice and those little bubbles from your pee hitting the bowl lol...hmm did i shit...yea I think so but I think I kept getting lost in thoughts and had to remind myself to finish up lmao


Well-Known Member
I have a special loo I use when tripping, small, all white, with glossy white tiles all around... which somehow seem to work as a transdimensional window under the right conditions.
Lol, when I take enough acid or E it feels like I shat myself anyway half the time... not that I ever have, it just feels that way, sometimes.