Popcorn buds....

Hopefully this is the last one I post but any ideas on how to prevent this? Or how to fix it? It seems like both northern lights just keep growing but aren't topping. The stem literally wraps around the pot. But there are so many tiny little buds. They're the only 2 that are doing that out of 7 plants. Is it typical of Northern lights? Is it something I did? (Most likely! Lol)



Well-Known Member
Make sure lights are only 12 hours a day.
What light are you running and at what distance?
How many weeks into flower are they?
What's your air temp/humidity like?

Those look very early into flower, the buds don't begin getting large on most plants I've grown until week 5-6 of flower. The plants look very healthy, so I'm wondering if your just a little impatient. :)


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me. Those are very young buds. They have a long way to go still.

Remove the lowest bud sites from your branches. Those are the ones that will be "popcorn" when you harvest. Better to remove them and let the plant divert its energy toward the tops