pornoseeds strain pictures!


hi all,

i know its been a while but have been well bisy:bigjoint: (i mean lazy) haha

my pornoseeds freebies finished a month ago but i didnt get round to posting up the finished pics,so here they are......

theres only four in these pics although there were 5 in the other ones i posted when they were 3 weeks in,i forgot to take pics of them when they were done and had already took one down when i rememberd:wall::bigjoint: (man i smoke tooooo much!)

they came out very well and i was very impressed with the final product. i went and ordered a pack of vicki peach straight away and am doing them now.
i will post up some pics of them ones soon.

hope your all doing great, the weather in glasgow has been cold and shitty but atleast it keeps my grow room cool! :lol:bongsmilie

peace out peoples

