Portable AC unit or Window Unit vented in stealth?


Staying in apt and Im not sure if window units are allowed. Its around 110F here daily UGH..

Do you know of any portable AC units that would cool a small closet grow (400w hps) for around $100 or less?

Can't seem to find any and I don't know what else to do on my limited budget. Sucks cuz I've already started this grow and Im moving to my new place in a few days. I was thinking of putting a window unit inside (but of course the heat it gives off...) I don't know how I could vent this out of a 3rd story apartment without someone seeing the ducting in the window etc.

Ideas Ideas.


Well-Known Member
rock and a hard place my friend. Your not gonna touch a portable a/c in your budget and all of the options of duct work you gotta run :(