Today I walked into my room to find a brown beetle and then a little flying bug and the tap root hasn't even passed through.
I really wouldn't like to use pesticides , but I was wondering if I could rub this around the bucket? or in front of openings?
Get some NEEM oil for LATER... for now- you do not need anything. You only apply bug control once the plant IS a plant- and only if they are the type of bugs that will damage the plant-- which it doesn't sound like it.
However- it DOES sound as if you have an enviromental issue-- if bugs can get in, so can light.... how are they getting in? Find & fix it ASAP before there is a big issue! The big ones you can see are NOTHING compared to Mites- and those little SOB's can get in from nearly anywhere!!
And I do not understand-The taproot hasn't passed through what? A rooting cube? If not- it shouldn't pass through the holes in a planter or there is a problem!)
Thank you, Oh I meant the taproot hasn't broke the soil yet, just planted yesterday. Probably getting in from under the door.
I will get to cleaning right away.
If I see any bugs, i'll send you a picture. Thanks again