Possible Hermie?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals,

I have one plant that I know for a fact has balls and am moving it to another room tomorrow. However in the past few days it really seems to be developing allot of "bud" sites. Now I might be crazy but it almost looks like there are hairs coming out of some of the newest growth. I was gonna grow the male out to at least get some pollen from but if it is hermie I am probably gonna still grow it out to get some bud off of it. I have been so dry so a little extra to get me through another grow would not hurt.

My question is can I still get pollen from the pods and force pollinate a few buds on my girls to up my seed stock or would the pollen somehow make hermies?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
If you keep a male plant... in your house... there is a good chance it will pollenate all your plants... very good chance :(


Well-Known Member
I've heard that seeds from hermies can grow hermies, but I am not 100 percent sure. I've also heard that hermies seeds are almost always female. If you are going to keep a boy in the house with the girls you have to be very careful not to spread pollen from it into your grow area or your get a lot more seeds than you want. I would give it a try there's really seems to be no benefit in not trying. So good luck.


Well-Known Member
If you keep a male plant... in your house... there is a good chance it will pollenate all your plants... very good chance :(

I have it in another room completely. It is also in a box. I never leave any doors open. We don't have air movers so it would have to sneak under three doors to get to my girls. You think it is that big of a risk?