possible males! thoughts??

Hey guys, thanks a lot for the GREAT Info!

I took some advice from a few of you guys and made a few adjustments to the grow room.

I know have a light timer, thermometer, and I lowered the lights. I still havent gotten around to lining the room with mylar.

Regardless, I went ahead and set the timer to 12/12 rather than turning the lights on and off manually. (Fiiinally!! Haha)

They did grow a little taller BUT I may have a problem.... 20141011_002018.jpg20141011_002152.jpg 20141011_002206.jpg 20141011_002018.jpg 20141011_002018.jpg
They all appear to by males :(



Well-Known Member
well then you don't have to worry about pollenating the females at least ;) they look like males but you could let them go a couple days to be sure cause theres no worry about pollenating any of the others. keep em going, harvest the pollen and save it. you just saved yourself a lot of money on seeds in the future at least.