Possible move, need help!!!


Active Member
I am in a situation where I may need to move my grow by the end of July.

Here's the lowdown on my plants:
I started 9 plants on May 5th and they were in veg for 7 weeks and 1 day then I just plunged them into 36 hours of darkness at 7 PM Tuesday night and put the lights on this morning at 7 AM. So today is their first day of 12/12. The tallest one is 2' 10". They will be under a 400 w hps until the end of July and I will take out males so I'm sure the 9 will probably reduce to 5 or less.

Another thing, is it possible to fit them in the back of a chevy blazer with the backseat down (assuming there will only be 5 plants) or should I get a u-haul?

I need to find out if I could easily move them or not because I would need to give my landlord a 30 day notice. The reason why I need to give my landlord a 30 day notice is because I just can't afford the ridiculous rent here anymore and if I stay any longer I might not be able to afford this shit and end up with an eviction. I have another apartment available for me as soon as I can move in, I just need to see if it's ok to move these plants at the stage they will be in, in 1 month. and how to do it

so yeah basically, if I have to move can you guys give me suggestions on how to do it? emergency peoples!!! lol thanks much.



Well-Known Member
take clones and start over.... thinking moving those plants like that just gave me the LEO willies :o


Active Member
unfortunately that can't be done. I don't have the money to start all over. :( The place I'm moving to is only like a 20 min drive from here if that makes the situation any better. lol


Well-Known Member
pack them discreetly in large shipping boxes, make sure your car is totally in order, make sure YOU are totally in order, try and do it during rush hour and blend with traffic... or better yet, a nice rainy day.... but really you are trying to save yourself a few measly dollars and maybe a month or so at the potential cost of decades.


Well-Known Member
Thats risky shit brow, but If I had to do it I would rent a van with AC and make sure that its ambient temp inside is cool and comfortable and try and make the transfer quick obviously. but shit i think you could do it. i wouldnt use a blazer though,lol and you can pick up those camping lantern lights for 10 bucks at waalmart, they run on cfls now so that they can stay lit. I dont know hopw helped a lil


Active Member
oh I can totally get a u-haul and do this in the late evening so it's not obvious. I'll be moving other stuff so I can just shove other stuff (pillows, blankets, clothes that need to be brought to new apartment anyways) that won't damage the plants around it or something. or do you recommend that I just put a couple of big trash bags over them and bring them into the uhaul on like a random weekday evening when cops aren't out roaming around? It doesn't get too hot around where I live and I can do it on an evening where it isn't too hot out. and to get to this place I can either take the highway or just streets. which do you guys recommend? (if I go on the highway I'll be on it for like 15-20 mins)


Active Member
lol. true that true that. I'm a girl though guys.

thanks for all the help so far.

but do you think if I decide to do this should I take the highway or just drive on the local route? ugh I'm just so nervous right now. lol


Well-Known Member
well girlfriend .. i'd say local roads .. JUST incase there would happen to be a road block or something .. and sorry i say man to everyone ..ha


Active Member
oh it's ok. lol. now that I'm thinking about it....and knowing our local roads, there's more likely to be a a cop standing on those than the highway!! lol the road I live on, for instance, has been under construction for a week and a half now because of a busted water main that occurred when they were going in to fix a sewer line. lmao. so there has been either detours or a cop or two guiding traffic down my road all this time. I'd hope they wouldn't pull us over on the highway with a u-haul. :( I'm going to google map this shit and see which is the safest route now. :P (planning ahead is good. lol)


Well-Known Member
lol what you need to do is just relax... soothe the tension ... calm the nerves .. u need some LST yourself ..


Active Member
lol what you need to do is just relax... soothe the tension ... calm the nerves .. u need some LST yourself ..
lol. it's just really stressful when I have bills to worry about, I'm moving out and getting our car on the road at the same time. also if I am going to move I have to make this decision BEFORE the end of the month or I'll get charged with august's rent and I can't afford that. also, I'm going to be moving in with my b/f's sister and my b/f of course (me and my b/f allready live together at this apt.) so I've just got a lot of stress. I just need to find a safe way to transport these because it just needs to be done. Can't afford expensive rent. :( I'm just going to read and get some sleep then do a bunch of crap tomorrow and quite possibly be telling my landlord I'm not living here anymore. lol. she's probably going to beg us to stay like she did last time. lol. not happening. especially when they wanna raise rent in sept. eff that shit. lol


Well-Known Member
I feel that 100%, in the same circumstance as far as money is concerned myself.

In any case, all I can say is what's already been said, AND, I would reccomend you pack your plants like you would if you were to male cutting or something, box the and make shure they have a watered towel or something, and then box them, RIGHT before you leave to make shure they have enough water for the trip, if it's not far it shouldnt be that much of a problem.

If you want to take it to another level, label the boxes dishes or w.e.

My 2 cents.

That's of course assuming you will bring them and not reconsider.


Well-Known Member
Dont take local roads!!! that would be your first mistake something like a blinker light out or licsense plate light out could cause u 2 get busted on the highway you move to fast for this to happen. Also its not that hard I have moved 2 large plants before and nothing happened no reason 2 be scared.... well maby a little but u can do it. Also how many people do you know who move in the middle of the night on local roads? People drive all night with a uhaul on a highway. You are going to need some 1 2 ride in the back holding on to the plants because if they dont they will fly everywhere. Throw some trash bags over them and load them in real fast have some 1 for lookout and just look normal you can do it just play it cool.....
good luck and let me know how it goes


Active Member
haha yer name made me laugh!!!!
did you get that from that crazy ass G.I. Joe cartoon i've seen around the net?
if not don't take offence i'm not makin fun of you

sorry to go off topic but i went to yer profile to IM you but it says i don't have access to that:?


Active Member
Dont take local roads!!! that would be your first mistake something like a blinker light out or licsense plate light out could cause u 2 get busted on the highway you move to fast for this to happen. Also its not that hard I have moved 2 large plants before and nothing happened no reason 2 be scared.... well maby a little but u can do it. Also how many people do you know who move in the middle of the night on local roads? People drive all night with a uhaul on a highway. You are going to need some 1 2 ride in the back holding on to the plants because if they dont they will fly everywhere. Throw some trash bags over them and load them in real fast have some 1 for lookout and just look normal you can do it just play it cool.....
good luck and let me know how it goes
good idea. I gotta give 30 days notice and I'll be outta here a the end of July. I'm sure this topic will be dead by the end of July though. lol. I'll update anyways and send you a PM if you want.


Active Member
haha yer name made me laugh!!!!
did you get that from that crazy ass G.I. Joe cartoon i've seen around the net?
if not don't take offence i'm not makin fun of you

sorry to go off topic but i went to yer profile to IM you but it says i don't have access to that:?
it's totally ok. and yes it's from that crazy ass G.I. Joe cartoon. lol. I freaking love those G.I. Joe overdubs. They're freaking hilarious. you don't have access to IM me? you mean private message me? thats weird. I just checked my options and it said that private messaging was enabled...hmm. *shrugs*


Well-Known Member
yea agreed with pigpen, and also, we all want to hear how it goes, and how the babies are doing.