Possible nutrient deficiency (red stems)


Active Member
Hi guys my plant is slightly over the first week of flowering (12/12) and has over the last few days developed significant red stems. I am currently using a 2.0-6.0-3.5 nutrient at around 5ml per litre of water with a PH level of 6.5. I have attached some photographs in the hope someone can advise if my diagnosis is correct?.

Can someone also perhaps advise what conductivity reading on my nutrient meter I should be trying to achieve when preparing my nutrient solution?

Thanks in advance guys :-)



Active Member
Thanks mate perhaps you could tell me what reading on my Bluelab EC truncheon should be when preparing my water and feed mixture at this stage of flowering (10 days in)?


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate perhaps you could tell me what reading on my Bluelab EC truncheon should be when preparing my water and feed mixture at this stage of flowering (10 days in)?
Nope, all I do is pH. I'm a firm believer that people think to much and over complicate growing a weed.

Over thinking is overdoing, and if you over do it you'll kill her.

Every strain likes different nutrient amounts and realistically you just gotta pinpoint what your strain likes. I've grown strains that will absorb 30% more than recommended and others that freak out when you only give them 30% of recommended.

Start low and work your way up.
