Possible Revege???? help from cali growers please (PICs provided)

well hello every body... i have a beautiful female sativa looking plant growing... the only issue i have is i mighta started her a lil early, like in the middle of feb early.... what can i say i was excited. but anyway i was expecting, if not even looking forward to a lil preflower, but the photoperiod does not hit 13 hours of daylight until april 14 so it has inevitably started flowering. can i just leave her be and she will revege? look at the pics, i dont think i need to explain where the buds are but i do have to tell you the pics do make them look bigger than they are... please any feedback will be much appreciated

4-07-11 a.jpg4-7 close.jpg


Well-Known Member
well if she stays outside i believe it will reveg no matter what eventually , same as indoors if u changed your light schedule .. i put a few of mine out and they havent started flowering like i expected.. if they do they wont get far b4 the sun changes enough to take um bak to veg stage( i only did this because i ran out of room indoors, i will probable loose a month of growth do to reveggin :( but what can ya do) IMO id just finish what u got its decent size and flowering pretty good
ahhh but if i let it finish all the way through i doubt i would get even a eigth off it. the buds are smaller than they look in the pictures. plus this is looking like its gonna be a really good plant. for the past few days though not much has happened with her growth wise... flowers are the same size and so is the plant itself, just under a foot tall. im not worried about a month of grow loss cause i want to harvest in october

grow space

Well-Known Member
it will re-vegg duuuuudeeee! grow season is almost here, hehe....I always start my season sooner though, also in feb. 24/0 light schedule, and i cant wait to go under the sun..:peace:
ahh well ive been growing since mid feb. as well but the only thing is i didnt start them under lights... i dont have them or the money to do it so theyve been outside the entire time. i was thinkin with a resonable headstart my plant will be huge, but home boy said it still flowers in 13 hours

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
take some clones off that plant and get them rooting asap, then let her finish flowering inside... Just move her indoors into a dark closet or something after 12 hours of sun... Revegging is gonna stunt the hell out of her.. By the time she comes out of it shes only gonna have a month to veg, before she starts flowering again.. Those buds on her now are just the start of buds, they will get bigger your plant should double in size during flowering...
well this is very disapointing. so lemme get this right, at about the second week of may will be 14 hours. if it starts to revege then, its really gonna take 3 or 4 months to reveg... cause thats the timeline your givin me
and i wish i had the money to take clones but i barely scrapped together money to get the soil

grow space

Well-Known Member
oh my god, you are stupid !!! really man, chill the fuck down, i aint going to give u any advice more, cas it already given u ! u listen to one dude, then th other, get some cheap clfs man, 4 will do, at least 26 w, u cant be that poor, even i am poor and still get those fairly easy ! indoor u go and when it is the time, in late may, outside it will go ! pls, do not post anymore your asking the same thing over and over again, ok :lol:


Active Member
take some clones off that plant and get them rooting asap, then let her finish flowering inside... Just move her indoors into a dark closet or something after 12 hours of sun... Revegging is gonna stunt the hell out of her.. By the time she comes out of it shes only gonna have a month to veg, before she starts flowering again.. Those buds on her now are just the start of buds, they will get bigger your plant should double in size during flowering...
Exactly, My Blueberry Gum has been going since Jan. 16 , 12hrs in dark (closet, empty room, ect.) and 12 hours (9 direct hrs.) in the sun. The buds are rock solid. Very easy to do. I'll probably start a new grow in Nov. after my summer/fall grow. Good luck and just think things through ,don't panic and take things slow. Peace, jethead p.s. It's nice to have a small harvest right before the big one.

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
so lemme get this right, at about the second week of may will be 14 hours. if it starts to revege then, its really gonna take 3 or 4 months to reveg... cause thats the timeline your givin me
and i wish i had the money to take clones but i barely scrapped together money to get the soil
Your plant will not revert back to veg untill the end of may... It will be the end of June before it snaps out of being stunted.. It will have July to reveg, then it will start flowering again in August... Trust me, I have been in your shoes before man. If you let that plant reveg you will be lucky to yeild an ounce of it, and more then likely it's gonna go hermie on you.. When you mess with the light cycle of plants bad things happen.. In the wild your plant wouldn't have even sprouted yet... How can you be to broke to take a clone? all you need is a pair of scissors, and a glass of water... Take a cutting just above an upper node.. Then place it in the glass of water... After about 5 days you shoud see the start of a root at the bottom of the stem. When that happens put it in dirt and place it in the shade for a couple days... About an hour before sun set your gonna want to bring it inside and keep it in a well lit room, You just want to keep the flowering hormones from building up.. Before you go to bed take it back outside, so it will catch the 1st rays of morning sun.. If you can get a clone rooted and get it snapped out of flowering before the middle of may, You have a must better chance at having a good yeild

grow space

Well-Known Member
clones, clones, i also use water and nothing else ! i let them go 3-5 days in water and the straight so soil, works great ! also, it all depends on the strain u have, some cuttings take longer to root, some less ! usually it take 2-3 weeks :peace:
oh okay if thats all i need then ill try it... i just thought i needed rooting compound, i havent been able to find a steady job so $ is stretched, part of the reason i was growin, got a few other strains ima start later
and grow space sorry but you need to calm down, you sound like a female... it aint that i wasnt listening to you i would just like other interpretations on my situation.
on another note, i have noticed that the flowers are no longer growing and the sites they were budding at are streching out, within the past day and a half i got half a inch of growth from soil to top. if this means nothin lemme know and i can start bringin her in at 12 hours... im just a lil stubourn i guess lol and one more question too.... i have another plant growing from a seed i got from the same mother as above, however when it was still a seedling with the two round leaves i severly over watered it to the point it almost died, so it was stunted pretty bad, however it has made a full recovery and is growing great, but for being from the same parent the two are different, its a few shades lighter green then the flowering one. can this be a male or is it a case of fraturnal (unidentical) twins?


Well-Known Member
take some clones off that plant and get them rooting asap, then let her finish flowering inside... Just move her indoors into a dark closet or something after 12 hours of sun... Revegging is gonna stunt the hell out of her.. By the time she comes out of it shes only gonna have a month to veg, before she starts flowering again.. Those buds on her now are just the start of buds, they will get bigger your plant should double in size during flowering...
thats what id do also , but dude says he dont have money for lights or anything , if u got some cheap cloning solution u could take some and put them by a window ive done it b4.. they dont root fast like they would in a dome under fluorescent lights but theyll root.. also like Marry i wanna said thats just the begening of buds , plants usually double in size after they are finished
yeah i dont have very much money for anything. but a lil update.... looks like the buds arent gettin any bigger and shes grown 2 inches in the past 2-3 days... i can also see new growth coming out the buds... theres leaves of three shootin out on almost all of them.... is this a good sign? and i was also thinking about how yall said bring in somewhere dark after 12 hours to harvest her, and then the other dude said i wont get more than an ounce if let her revege... well jusging by how small she is (13.5) inches id be lucky to get a half ounce off her if i pull her in