Possibly an ideal drug policy?

Chalupa Batman

New Member
So I have recently been hired at a local restaurant in a state where marijuana is legal recreationally. The drug policy states under substances tested for: "Employees may regularly be tested for: amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine and alcohol, or other substances if deemed as potentially involved." Does this sound like marijuana is not screened for during random drug tests to you guys? Or is weed likely in the category of "other substances". I just feel it would be mentioned clearly, especially in state where it is legal.
Here in Colorado, the courts have ruled that medical or not, a company has the right to can an employee over a positive THC test. It sucks.
it sounds like their saying " testing for cannabis ASWELL AS ..... Coke etc etc "

it may be a trick to rid all the first wave of smokers ?? Idk
Here in Colorado, the courts have ruled that medical or not, a company has the right to can an employee over a positive THC test. It sucks.

If they are positively high at high at work, then yeah fucking fire them.

If they just had trace elements and weren't actually high, then that's different.