Post-Harvest Cleaning/Sanitizing


Good Evening RIU,

This might sound kinda stupid as you read this, lol.. but it's something I'm really curious about. I had mold and mites on my past yield and I'm interested on what's an effective way to make the room bacteria and pest free.

1. I submerge all my pots in bleach (4 hours), and them pull them out to dry(no rinse)

2. I wipe down all the hoods with bleach (is that good enough?)

3. I mop the floor and wipe the walls with bleach.

Lol, that's about it. Should I wipe the ceiling with bleach, too? Is there anything I might be missing? BTW, the grow was all soil.

Thanks in Advance!


Well-Known Member
Dont use straight bleach...mix with water.
1 cup bleach to 1 gallon

Hot chick in a French maid outfit when cleaning :-P