Post your pics forum??


Well-Known Member
You know., I have been trying to figure out the same EXACT thing. But it seems as though the whole riu community has been sworn to secrecy.


Well-Known Member
hasnt worked since ive been on this site, along with a few other things on the site, apparently its either a) never worked or b) did work a while back but doesnt now an no-one has bothered fixing it from what ive heard people saying bout it on here


Well-Known Member
I do love this site but I wonder about that and those dumb outdated stickies.. Metinks RIU needs some clean up!



Active Member
I believe it used to be used and possibly where the attitude ad is now it used to cycle through peoples bud pics.. I could be wrong as I joined after the site update and it never worked but I saw someone say that at one point.