Pot by Noids

No but now I’m curious
It looks a lot like a French press for coffee :lol:
It's pricey, but it decarbs thc and cbd within 1 degree of accuracy.
It also infuses and extracts as well in the same glass container.
There is no mess, just turn it upside down and press the plunger and the oil is pushed out and filtered.
I ordered one and should get it in a few days.
Everyone raves about the Ardent FX and I have one...........but it never worked properly from day one.
I love my Levo II. I use a french press screen in the bottom instead of their supplied canisters and can infuse 80g into 1.5 cups of oil. This looks nice and simple though.
I followed and bought the same Levo (I also added a tcheck) and I'm happy with both but I do large decarb runs in my oven. So I do not use it to it's full potential. I'm looking forward to hearing how yours works for you @MickFoster
Well I received my Pot by Noids today........I must say, the packaging was second to none.
The unit is heavy and seems very sturdy.
I plan on running a batch of oil for canna caps tomorrow......using 1/2 oz. of weed.
I also plan on using lecithin in the oil for some of the capsules.........and no lecithin in the others so I can compare and determine if it's worth using.
There are different opinions on lecithin.......as usual. I'll figure it out myself.
I'll let everybody who's interested in the results know........fingers crossed that this unit does what they say it will.
I ran a batch of oil yesterday with the Pot by Noids.........1/2 oz. bud and 2/3 cup of oil (just enough to saturate the weed).
It was simple and easy........decarb took about 1-1/2 hours and infusion took about 2-12 hours.........little to no smell.
The press worked great........just put in the plunger, turned it upside down, and pushed.
I was able to put substantial pressure on it.......and it squeezed out almost all the oil.
The downside is that the beaker only holds about 1/2 oz. of bud........which is fine for me because that's all I run at one time. But if you like to do larger quantities at the same time, you'll be disappointed.
I took some capsules with lecithin and oil last night, and plan on taking the ones without lecithin tonight to compare potency........my guess is that there is no difference.
All in all I'm very happy with the unit.