Pot + hieght Size?


Active Member
Hi People,

Quick Question. I have 1 plant that is indoors and is in a 6 inch pot. The plant is already 16 inches high. It is stil on a 24/0 cycle and becasue it is kinda stretches, I have started bending it a bit.

My question is, will the size of my pot limit the hieght that my plant can grow?

I can't transplant.
Also, the plant was growing quite fast almost an inch a day, but has lately slowed down, although the fans leaves are gettign bigger and it is finaly getting some small brances at the nodes?
If so what should I do, just get itinto flowering? And than waht since the size of the pot?


Well-Known Member
that small a pot will cause your plant to become root bound and it will severely limit the growth. if you do keep it in the same pot you should flower right away but your bud will be limited;

you really should rethink transplanting

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Why can you not transplant? If that plant is already 16 inches tall, and you have not even started to flower it yet, it will surely have big problems, might even die.

Transplanting is easy, just turn plant upside down over other hand Give it a little rap to plop it into your other hand. Place it in new pot that already has dirt in it about half way up. Add more dirt, water, WALLA Transplanted. Some people say to loosen up the roots, I never do this.

If you flower that plant right now, and it lives healthy. It should get to 3-4 feet tall. But in that tiny pot this will never happen.

I still wonder why you can not repot it.