Pot is Toxic to Cats


Well-Known Member
Greetings, this story is one that I feel necessary too share.

I have a cat named Cheech, after Cheech and Chong, that loves to eat my plants (that's why I named it Cheech).
I figured no big deal (big plants), if it takes some nibbles, gets maybe a buzz and goes too take a nap.
Yesterday evening I was tending to my plants and the cat was roaming around the room as usual so I thought no big deal.
Now these plants are 4 weeks into bloom, and the trichs are popping, and that turned out to be a problem for Cheech.
Anyway, as I was leaving the room and had one more look at my plants, I noticed that the little fuck had eaten a shit load of my leaves from multiple plants.
It was like a gopher got at them.
I really wasn't that flipped because after all what are a few damaged leafs, but that cat definitely regretted it
So, later that night (around 4 hours later) my son comes into my room and says the cat is passed out on the kitchen floor.
I said tough shit (still pissed off)
"Dad, I think the cat is dying"
"It's taking a nap" I says
"No, I really think it is dying"
"Ok, I'll come look at that pos"
So, I go into the kitchen, the cat is sprawled out on the floor, it's tongue hanging out, panting, it tries to get up, wobbles a foot or two and falls over.(Holy shit, that reminds me of my wife last Xmas!!!)
Seriously, that cat was fucked up bad, like it was having a hard time breathing and couldn't walk a straight line.
I'm thinking emergency vet care, but then I'm thinking what if the vet asks (which they would) if it has eaten anything strange, or what else could have happened?
Oh well, I thinks to myself, this cat ain't going to a vet with a bellyful of pot leaves and if it dies, so be it, but it's not bringing me with it, in the sense if the vet tested the cat and proved it died from neglect (acute pot intoxication), I'd be fucked.
So, I go to bed with the little bitch curled up in my arms, expecting to wake up in the morning with a corpse, and lo and behold, Cheech survived :)

Moral of the story is too keep your cats away from your plants, the pot could kill them.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Greetings, this story is one that I feel necessary too share.

I have a cat named Cheech, after Cheech and Chong, that loves to eat my plants (that's why I named it Cheech).
I figured no big deal (big plants), if it takes some nibbles, gets maybe a buzz and goes too take a nap.
Yesterday evening I was tending to my plants and the cat was roaming around the room as usual so I thought no big deal.
Now these plants are 4 weeks into bloom, and the trichs are popping, and that turned out to be a problem for Cheech.
Anyway, as I was leaving the room and had one more look at my plants, I noticed that the little fuck had eaten a shit load of my leaves from multiple plants.
It was like a gopher got at them.
I really wasn't that flipped because after all what are a few damaged leafs, but that cat definitely regretted it
So, later that night (around 4 hours later) my son comes into my room and says the cat is passed out on the kitchen floor.
I said tough shit (still pissed off)
"Dad, I think the cat is dying"
"It's taking a nap" I says
"No, I really think it is dying"
"Ok, I'll come look at that pos"
So, I go into the kitchen, the cat is sprawled out on the floor, it's tongue hanging out, panting, it tries to get up, wobbles a foot or two and falls over.(Holy shit, that reminds me of my wife last Xmas!!!)
Seriously, that cat was fucked up bad, like it was having a hard time breathing and couldn't walk a straight line.
I'm thinking emergency vet care, but then I'm thinking what if the vet asks (which they would) if it has eaten anything strange, or what else could have happened?
Oh well, I thinks to myself, this cat ain't going to a vet with a bellyful of pot leaves and if it dies, so be it, but it's not bringing me with it, in the sense if the vet tested the cat and proved it died from neglect (acute pot intoxication), I'd be fucked.
So, I go to bed with the little bitch curled up in my arms, expecting to wake up in the morning with a corpse, and lo and behold, Cheech survived :)

Moral of the story is too keep your cats away from your plants, the pot could kill them.
Cannabinoid toxicity can be lethal in small animals by affecting their ability to thermoregulate. Taking it to bed and keeping it warm may have saved it's life.


Well-Known Member
My cats will give small vegging plants the odd nibble. We had one cat that realy liked weed smoke. It would make a beeline for my lap every time he heard me open the baggie. ALso had two weed fiend dogs.
The big plants go into large pots and the canopy starts maybe 3 feet off the ground so out of reach, out of mind.


Well-Known Member
Yes but it takes an extreme amount.

I saw a dog go through it once. Panting and sweating and crying for hours. Then she was fine. Ate a bag of trim meant for butter.

In the dog’s defense. We really did make a big deal about that bag of frosty little nugs and bud leaves. It looked good enough to roll right up.


Well-Known Member
My buddy's dog pulled a zip of weed from under his couch once, ate over half.

His wife immediately took him to the vet. Vet said he'll be OK after he stops glowing in a few days.

Poor thing was literally walking sideways the rest of the week.

Yes but it takes an extreme amount.
A small animal weighing a few pounds and eating say a 1/4 oz. would be like you eating 2 or 3 oz.

Go try that and tell me it needed decarbed.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
A small animal weighing a few pounds and eating say a 1/4 oz. would be like you eating 2 or 3 oz.

Go try that and tell me it needed decarbed.
Precisely, my little silky terrier liked to pull the bottom branches off my plants. I never paid much attention. One day I noticed he was so ataxic he could not walk. I took him to the vet. He ended up on a respirator with Intralipid. At 5 kg a mere 15 gram dose can be fatal.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4119902 my cat loves weed... Fucking Little bitch eat 1/3 of this plant.. I put it in the window for some sun.. won't do that again..lol.. the cats fine.. just sitting there needing the blanket..View attachment 4119904
By the way, this happened today while I was taking my boy to the docs for a med review.. I placed catnip in the window thinking the cat would eat it instead .. nope..IMG_20180410_172232.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking beyond anecdotal evidence, to the Journal of Veterinary and Human Toxicology:
“The marijuana ingested ranged from 1/2 to 90 g,” the scientists wrote. “The lowest dose at which signs [of distress] occurred was 84.7 mg/kg and the highest reported dose was 26.8 g/kg.” They found that even with a dog eating almost an ounce of ganja per kilogram of its weight, “All followed animals made full recoveries.”

So yes, an extreme amount.