Potential Magnesium Deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I just got three clones from a friend and I think they all have a mag/worse deficiencie going on. They are about 3 weeks into veg and are in 500 ml pots which mystifies me as to how they haven't got more deficiencies yet!. My set up is a 600w hps light in a 1.2x1.2x2 meter tent with an intake fan and an extractor fan and currently running 18/6 light cycle. btw the nutes I am using are canna terra vega. Any help would be really appreciated, will attach photos.


go go kid

Well-Known Member
it could be phos deff, but wait for a few more opinions first.

what are you feeding it and ow offten?


Well-Known Member
I have only had the chance to feed them once and since there in such small containers I didnt want to overdo it so I fed them with canna terra vega at 0.8 ec with the ph at 5.9. The runoff for two of the ones that I checked were 5.9:0.8 ec and 5.9:1 ec


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the response, Someone on another thread has suggested a phosphorus deff?. All my friend knows is that there in soil and perlite. Was going to repot them today into 4 gal pots with canna terra professional medium