Potentiometer thread.


Ive read a few things on potentiometers but its not really a straight forward answer. So ill do my best. So if i want to run one driver ill need a 100k pot. But if i need to run 2 off one pot i would need a 50k correct? And if i want to add more drivers would i need a lower ohm pot? Same with the resistor?

To give you an idea of what im doing. I have 6 3070s ran at 1050. Using the meanwell hlg240

And the other is 40 ebstrips using 4 hlg240 1050 drivers.

Strip light will be about 884volts and around 928 watts.
If it was me, I would use four 100K ohm potentiometers. One per driver. That will allow you to control 10 strips at a time and adjust for any performance differences between the strips. I would also alternate the strips so every fourth one is connected to the same driver. That will ensure more even light distribution...and god forbid, if one of your drivers goes down, you will still keep some light going to all plants.
If it was me, I would use four 100K ohm potentiometers. One per driver. That will allow you to control 10 strips at a time and adjust for any performance differences between the strips. I would also alternate the strips so every fourth one is connected to the same driver. That will ensure more even light distribution...and god forbid, if one of your drivers goes down, you will still keep some light going to all plants.

This is a good idea. 4 seperate pots. Im gonna draw out a design for a powerboard and do exactly that. Ill also add extra wires to the strips incase a wire stops working i have a backup. Been watching lots of growmau5 vids.