Pots or in-ground?


Active Member
The location where I plan to grow is quite secure, and no one ever crosses there. It is not deemed a "shortcut" to anyone as you have to go down a very steep hill to enter the woods, then cross a creek (can't jump, you wont have to go through it). If you wanted to go further left to the creek to find a smaller crossing, the brush is much more dense and you would actually have some trouble getting through it. If you went right, the creek continues the same length across until it bends away and you are at a swamp (creek does not turn into a swamp). I would like to grow on the "left" side as it would be more hidden and harder to access (if you don't know the route I would make). However SHOULD these woods become a hot spot during the summer for kids to FINALLY go outside instead of staying indoors, I don't want the plants ending up getting found or worse, ripped. From what I read pots would limit the plants size as the roots wouldn't get as big. I know there are huge pots that you would get the same size plant you would if you grew in-ground. The problem with these is once they are filled with soil, it would be impossible for ONE person to transport to another location. I would also end up making a trail if I had to cut through the bush to be able to get through with the pots. So if kids (or anyone in general) DID find my grow spot, they would end up following the trail to see where it leads.

NOTE: I know the main focus of outdoor growing (besides in your backyard) is to pick a extremely stealth and remote location that would be impossible to find. I am just looking for responses to see what other people would do.


New Member
The location where I plan to grow is quite secure, and no one ever crosses there. It is not deemed a "shortcut" to anyone as you have to go down a very steep hill to enter the woods, then cross a creek (can't jump, you wont have to go through it). If you wanted to go further left to the creek to find a smaller crossing, the brush is much more dense and you would actually have some trouble getting through it. If you went right, the creek continues the same length across until it bends away and you are at a swamp (creek does not turn into a swamp). I would like to grow on the "left" side as it would be more hidden and harder to access (if you don't know the route I would make). However SHOULD these woods become a hot spot during the summer for kids to FINALLY go outside instead of staying indoors, I don't want the plants ending up getting found or worse, ripped. From what I read pots would limit the plants size as the roots wouldn't get as big. I know there are huge pots that you would get the same size plant you would if you grew in-ground. The problem with these is once they are filled with soil, it would be impossible for ONE person to transport to another location. I would also end up making a trail if I had to cut through the bush to be able to get through with the pots. So if kids (or anyone in general) DID find my grow spot, they would end up following the trail to see where it leads.

NOTE: I know the main focus of outdoor growing (besides in your backyard) is to pick a extremely stealth and remote location that would be impossible to find. I am just looking for responses to see what other people would do.
put in the soil and 2/3 plants per spot. other plants in the other place that if you rob take only one group and not all