Potted Plants to the Ground


hello everyone I got 4 jedi kush plants in quater gallon pot and there about 8 inchs in there almost month old, in foxfarm soil but, recently I got laid off so I really don't have income to buy 4 20gallons worth of the soil so I was wonderin if I can go get some natural native soil I know about that has traces of mineral clay in inand just use that instead of fofarm but if I don't use the native soil and straight dirt in back yard will my plants get affected from that, also I would like to added that I have all my nutritons already so couldn't just planted in dirt and treat nutriotion deficeny... If everyone could give me there opnion it would be great :)


Well-Known Member
as long as you got the nutrients, and you are planning on putting them into the ground quicklike....then all i would buy is a bag of perlite and ammend your plantholes with a mix of 2-3parts perlite to every 5-6 parts natural soil, make your holes huge, the bigger and deeper you ammend, the better and easier it is for roots to grow through. nature has a good way of balancing outside plants for the most part, just make sure they have food and plenty of drink and you will be good to go. NOTE: you could plant the fuckers right in the ground but the perlite would help the roots thrive and grow WAY quicker .... GL !!!!


Well-Known Member
if there is a shit ton of clay just go out and pay a buck or two a bag of some cheap all purpose potting soil and replace the holes with the potting soil and the perlite.........