Potting Soil

Doobie Doo

Well-Known Member
Im using Scotts potting soil, I didnt add any nutes until 3 weeks in to the grow then started at 1/4 strength and went up from there. I have had no problems.


Well-Known Member
I used MG and did fine until I had to flush. Compacts really bad. Needs much more perlite. I know this is not Scotts, but I suspect about the same quality.


Well-Known Member
hello, never used perlite or conventional potting soil before.. do you mix perlite with the soil, or layer it? cheers..


Well-Known Member
Buying cheap soil is a big no no. Just mix one bag perlite to one 20lb bag of soil. This is my method and i use FF ocean forest (highly recommend if you want great results.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Videoman. I found it a near by hyrdo shop.

Now that we are on potting soil and I am about to take 5 new clones from the humidity dome to new soil..... and that I am convinced MG is good for nothing other than to flick ashes in after I have dumped it in the garage floor trying to save plants from the non-draining compacting shit for soil.....

What does everyone recomend for the perfect growing soil?

Seedless recomends Ocean Forest® Potting Soil + perlite. If this is the case, how big of a bag of perlite to the 20 lbs bag of soil? Any other recomendations?



Well-Known Member
use one bag of perlite to one bag of ocean forest. trust me on the ocean forest stuff....you will thank me later (and you plants will also)

i am 100% sure you will see HUGE reslults over MG. my first grow I used MG and then i switched to FF and i almost shit my pants when i saw the differnce. i would never use any other soil.


Well-Known Member
and yeah i can get FF shipped to you door in around 2 days. Cost is around $35 a bag with shipping.....shipping is what gets ya.


Well-Known Member
Thanks seedless. I found a supplier a short distance from where I live and I will go pick up a bag tonight.

So, 50% perlite (if we go by volume)? I was thinking more like 30%.



Well-Known Member
Just mix a whole bag of perilte to one whole bag FF soil.....thats all ive ever done and its been great. I have added vermiculite but i liked it better without.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I started my outdoor grow about three weeks ago. For two of my plants I used MG organic potting mix or something like that and the other two I used scotts moisture control potting mix. The two in Scotts grew extremely fast and vigorous with large healthy leaves. I had to chop the two MG plants today cause they simply stopped growing after they grew 3 sets of yellowish baby leaves. EVERYTHING was the same. The same amount of light, the same size pots, the same location. I strongly recommend that if you can only buy cheap soil, buy Scotts Moisture Control potting mix. Or anything that isn't miracle grow. I messed my first grow up by using MG nutes. The Scotts soil says it has 3 months of time release nutrients and already has perilite in it. It was like 6 bucks for a big bag at walmart. Hope this helped